Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 section of the St Ignatius’ website. In this section of the website we aim to include details that may be useful to parents of Year 4 children, such as homework, help videos, spellings and details of Year 4 routines. We will also showcase a selection of the fantastic work that our talented children have produced.
We believe that the best outcomes for your child are achieved by taking a collaborative approach to their learning; therefore if you need to contact us then please do so before or after school. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your child’s learning journey is a positive one.
The Year 4 Team
Class Teacher: Miss E. Goode
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Agbewornu
If you need to contact the class teacher and you are unable to speak to them personally then please use the following email address:
Miss Goode -
Please click on the link to see what we cover during our learning journey in Year 4:
We have P.E. on Monday afternoons. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit. This is a white t-shirt, shorts/leggings/joggers and suitable footwear (pumps or trainers). There is no jewellery allowed.
Please visit the school blog to keep up to date on what we have been doing.
Spellings and homework are handed out on Fridays.
The spelling test is on a Thursday.
Homework is due on Wednesdays.
Times tables practice can be accessed on TTRockstars and the Purple Mash website. Children are expected to practice at home and in school in preparation for the Y4 Multiplication Check in June. We have a weekly practice test in class on a Friday.
Reading books are changed regularly and children are expected to read at home on a daily basis. Please discuss the book your child is reading with them and check that they understand what they are reading.
Thank you for all your support,
Miss Goode and Mrs Agbewornu
Please access the TTRockstars website by clicking on the link below.
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.
This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 16,000 schools and will help your child prepare for the Y4 Multiplication Check.
If your child does not know their login or you have trouble accessing the site, please contact Miss Goode for help.
Purple Mash is a website that the children use to do work in many areas of the curriculum. Children can log onto the Purple Mash website at home as well as at school. Please see your child’s teacher if your child cannot remember their unique username and password.
Purple Mash has a 'Multiplication Check' app for you to practise at home. Children are expected to practise at home, as well as in school.
Parents, please familiarise yourself and your children with some basic online safety rules which will help everyone enjoy their time online: