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School Logo

St Ignatius'

Catholic Primary School


Welcome to our school website.


The senior leadership team consists of:

Mr C. Hough – Headteacher

Miss S. Kellett  – Deputy Headteacher


Mrs I. Pugh – Parental Engagement and EAL

Mrs A.M. Deacon – Early Years Foundation Stage Leader


Our school day begins at 8.45am, with lessons starting at 8.55am.
We learn until 10.45am then we have a break of 15 minutes.
Lessons continue then until 12.10pm (12.20pm for Juniors).
Our afternoon sessions run from 1.10pm – 3pm without a break.


In September 2024 the school day times will be 8:45am to 3:15pm. A total of 32.5 hours per week. 

Monday and Friday mornings we hold whole school assemblies 9-9.25am and all our families and friends are welcome to attend these.


School will endeavour to be open for 190 days and cause as little inconvenience to parents as possible. In the case of the weather being so extreme that school needs to close, parents will be informed by text. There will also be a notice on the front page of the website and on our twitter account. The procedures will be the same if school has to close for any other reason e.g. no heating, no water etc


A breakfast club and after-school club is always available for families. This runs for one hour before school and one hour after school. Sessions may be booked in advance or be used in emergency situations on the day. Each session is £2 per child. Sibling discounts are considered.  We also offer a free of charge Breakfast Bagel Club each morning which starts at 8:30am.


Extra curricular clubs are of great importance here at St Ignatius’. We aim to provide a variety of wider opportunities to cater for the many interests shown by our children. Updates and new club offers will be sent via the newsletter and hard copies sent home. Clubs run from 8.00 – 8.45am in the morning or 3-4pm after school.

