Healthy Lunches
Packed Lunches
We would like lunch boxes to reflect a healthy balanced meal. The recommended contents of a healthy lunch box are:
- A good portion of starchy food e.g. wholegrain roll, thick slice of bread, pitta pocket, plain cracker, pasta or rice salad.
- Plenty of fruit and vegetables e.g. an apple, satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, mini can of fruit chunks (decanted into a plastic container), small box of raisins
- A portion of milk or dairy food e.g. individual cheese portion, pot of yogurt.
- A small portion of lean meat, fish or alternative e.g. 2 slices of ham, quorn, cheese, tuna, egg or hummus.
- A drink e.g. small carton of fruit juice, no added sugar fruit squash. Water is provided.
- One small packet of crisps, a fruit scone or portion of malt loaf, a small cake or biscuit may also be included.
NO sweets, chocolate, food containing nuts (some children and adults in school have an allergy reaction to any contact with nuts) or fizzy/sugary drinks.
If you receive benefits, your child may be entitled to Free School Meals. Contact the school office for more information.